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How to Uninstall ImunifyAV using SSH

How to Uninstall ImunifyAV using SSH

Maybe for any reason you want to remove ImunifyAV and use other security plugins, in this article we will teach you how to remove ImunifyAV through the command line.
We also offer cheap Imunify360 license at Licenses.Center.

Follow the steps below to remove ImunifyAV:

1. First, you need to stop ImunifyAV
To stop, first run the following command on your SSH server

2. Then run the following command

3. After running the above 2 commands, you must also run the uninstall command

Well, by running the above commands, you have successfully removed ImunifyAV, we hope this tutorial has helped you, if you have any questions about this, send a ticket to our technical support.

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